HeadMeds gives young people in the United Kingdom general information about medication. HeadMeds does not give you medical advice. Please talk to your Doctor or anyone else who is supporting you about your own situation because everyone is different. Please read more important details about our site.

HeadMeds Objectives

HeadMeds is a website for young people about mental health medication, launched in March 2014 and is owned and managed  by the national charity YoungMinds.

It has two aims:

  1. To make information about mental health accessible for young people.
  2. To answer all those questions you may have about your mental health medication, but may not  want to ask your GP or a family member about.

We have launched the website with information about 21 mental health medicines that are often prescribed. In 2014-2015 we want to increase that to the 30 most commonly prescribed mental health medicines for young people, subject to funding.

HeadMeds provides young people with accessible information about mental health medication. It neither encourages nor discourages the use of mental health medication: its aim is simply to meet the needs of young people who want more information

The content has been written by Dr Nicola Gray,  a pharmacist who has a special interest in young people’s health. Each medicine description has been reviewed by a mental health pharmacy specialist who is a member of the College of Mental Health Pharmacy (CMHP). The website has been produced in partnership with website developers Tictoc. The work was steered by an expert reference group of doctors, pharmacists and young people who have been central to each stage of the website’s development.  We have also received invaluable legal advice from Shoosmiths and Carter Lemon Camerons LLP.

Read about the content writing process, approvals and updating procedure: Creating HeadMeds.

The website has been produced by YoungMinds  as part of the Innovation Labs project.

HeadMeds has been endorsed by the Royal College of GP’s and the College of Mental Health Pharmacy.

More in About HeadMeds